Dear Parent: You Are The Key To My Success At School. Can We Partner?


In the Fall of 2023, at the beginning of the new academic school year, I am asking all of my students to make a video for their parents by reading this letter; also, I'm collecting data (see the bottom). 

by Don Allen, M.A. Ed./MAT 

Dear Parent: You Are The Key To My Success At School. Can We Partner?

Students read: As a student, the key to my success at school lies in the partnership between you, me, and my teachers. You undeniably play a crucial role in shaping my educational journey, and your involvement can greatly impact my academic performance. Your involvement provides me with a strong support system. When you take an active interest in my education, it sends a powerful message that education is important and valued in our home. This encouragement motivates me to strive for excellence and gives me the confidence I need to succeed.

Furthermore, I become aware of my strengths and weaknesses when you are involved in my education. This knowledge allows me to provide targeted assistance and support at home outside my academic responsibilities. Whether it be you helping me with homework or engaging in discussions about school topics, your involvement ensures that learning continues beyond my classroom walls.

Also, this year, I would like to see parent-teacher partnerships that foster open lines of communication; I want you to get calls when I do good. By working together, you and my teachers can exchange valuable insights about my progress or any challenges I may be facing. This collaboration allows for early intervention if necessary and ensures that both parties are on the same page when it comes to supporting my growth. My teacher told me students whose parents are actively involved in their education tend to have higher grades and test scores; I want higher grades and great test scores on my work! This highlights the positive impact of your involvement on my academic achievement; you are important.

Dear Mom/Dad or Legal Guardian - you truly are the key to my success at school. Your partnership with my teachers will provide me with unwavering support and help me reach my full potential academically. Let us work together hand-in-hand to create an environment where I can thrive inside and outside the classroom.

Thank you, 

Your Middle School Student _____________________________________________

Parent(s) Name _______________________________________________________

Parent(s) Email Address (Please print clearly below):


Parent(s) Phone Number _______________________________________________

  • Yes: The teacher and the nurse can text me.

  • Please follow up with a phone call. 



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